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각종 TCP/IP 프로토콜 스택들
- Fusion Embedded TCP/IPv4/IPv6
- lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack
- The uIP TCP/IP Stack for Embedded Microcontrollers
- The Proof-of-concept Miniweb TCP/IP Stack
- NicheStack IPv4 - The Standard For Embedded TCP/IP
- EZ Stack™ Embeddable TCP/IP Protocol Suite
- ejip - Embedded Java TCP/IP
- Tiny TCP/Tiny WEB Servers/etc.
- cIPS - Compact Internet Protocol Suite (cIPS is a robust TCP/IP stack for embedded devices.)
- uC/IP - TCP/IP for microcontrollers
- KwikNet® TCP/IP Stack
- CMX TCP/IP Stacks
- NexGenIP®Portable Embedded TCP/IP Stack
- Datalight SOCKETS™