pid_t s_pid; s_pid = fork(); if(s_pid == ((pid_t)(-1))) { /* ERROR: fork failed */ } else if(s_pid == ((pid_t)0)) { /* daemon main loop */ } else { /* 모든 자원을 반환하도록 구현 (종료시 기본적으로 자원이 반환되지 않는 자원들의 경우 반드시 필요) */ exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
pid_t s_new_session_id; s_new_session_id = setsid(); if(s_new_session_id == ((pid_t)(-1))) { perror("create session and sets the process group id FAILED"); }
if(chdir("/") == (-1)) { perror("could not change to root directory"); }
int s_fd_null; for(;;) { s_fd_null = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if(s_fd_null != (-1)) { if(dup2(s_fd_null, STDIN_FILENO) == (-1)) { perror("dup stdin failed"); } if(dup2(s_fd_null, STDOUT_FILENO) == (-1)) { perror("dup stdout failed"); } if(dup2(s_fd_null, STDERR_FILENO) == (-1)) { perror("dup stderr failed"); } TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(s_fd_null)); break; } if(errno == EINTR) { continue; } perror("could not open null !"); break; }
pid_t s_pid; s_pid = daemon(0 /* nochdir */, 0 /* noclose */); if(s_pid == ((pid_t)(-1))) { perror("daemonize failed"); }
#define def_my_pidfile "/var/run/" int main(...) { int s_pid_fd; pid_t s_pid; s_pid_fd = open_pidfile(def_my_pidfile); if(s_pid_fd == (-1)) { perror("could not create pidfile"); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } #if 0L s_pid = daemon(0, 0); if(s_pid == ((pid_t)(-1)) { perror("daemonize failed"); remove_pidfile(s_pid_fd); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } #else s_pid = fork(); if(s_pid == ((pid_t)(-1))) { perror("fork failed"); remove_pidfile(s_pid_fd); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if(s_pid == ((pid_t)0)) { /* daemon main loop */ } else { /* 모든 자원을 반환하도록 구현 (종료시 기본적으로 자원이 반환되지 않는 자원들의 경우 반드시 필요) */ close_pidfile(s_pid_fd); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } (void)umask(0); s_pid = setsid(); if(s_pid == ((pid_t)(-1))) { perror("create session and sets the process group id FAILED"); } /* if(nochdir == 0) */ if(chdir("/") == (-1)) { perror("could not change to root directory"); } /* if(noclose == 0) */ for(;;) { int s_fd_null; s_fd_null = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if(s_fd_null != (-1)) { if(dup2(s_fd_null, STDIN_FILENO) == (-1)) { perror("dup stdin failed"); } if(dup2(s_fd_null, STDOUT_FILENO) == (-1)) { perror("dup stdout failed"); } if(dup2(s_fd_null, STDERR_FILENO) == (-1)) { perror("dup stderr failed"); } TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(s_fd_null)); break; } if(errno == EINTR) { continue; } perror("could not open null !"); break; } #endif if(write_pidfile(s_pid_fd, s_pid) == (-1)) { perror("could not write pidfile"); remove_pidfile(s_pid_fd); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* main-loop */ /* normal exit - daemon의 정상종료 */ remove_pidfile(s_pid_fd); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
#include <termios.h> int flow_control(int s_fd, int s_ixon, int s_ixoff, int s_ixany) { struct termios s_termios; if(tcgetattr(s_fd, (struct termios *)(&s_termios)) == (-1)) { return(-1); } if(s_ixon == 0) { s_termios.c_iflag &= (tcflag_t)(~(IXON)); } else if(s_ixon != (-1)) { s_termios.c_iflag |= (tcflag_t)(IXON); } if(s_ixoff == 0) { s_termios.c_iflag &= (tcflag_t)(~(IXOFF)); } else if(s_ixoff != (-1)) { s_termios.c_iflag |= (tcflag_t)(IXOFF); } #if defined(IXANY) /* This is not POSIX : IXANY */ if(s_ixany == 0) { s_termios.c_iflag &= (tcflag_t)(~(IXANY)); } else if(s_ixany != (-1)) { s_termios.c_iflag |= (tcflag_t)(IXANY); } #endif if(tcsetattr(s_fd, TCSANOW, (struct termios *)(&s_termios)) == (-1)) { return(-1); } return(0); } int main(...) { (void)flow_control( STDIN_FILENO, 0 /* s_ixon */, 0 /* s_ixoff */, 0 /* s_ixany */ ); (void)flow_control( STDOUT_FILENO, 0 /* s_ixon */, 0 /* s_ixoff */, 0 /* s_ixany */ ); (void)flow_control( STDERR_FILENO, 0 /* s_ixon */, 0 /* s_ixoff */, 0 /* s_ixany */ ); /* ... */ }
pid_t s_pid; s_pid = fork(); if(s_pid == ((pid_t)(-1))) { perror("fork"); } else if(s_pid == ((pid_t)0)) { /* 자식프로세스는 종료. 그러나 이 자식프로세스는 부모프로세스로부터 Process ID 자원의 회수를 위한 처리(waitpid)가 되지 않으면 Zombit process 상태가 됩니다. 만약 부모프로세스가 waitpid호출없이 종료된다면 Process ID 자원의 회수는 init process 가 처리하게 됩니다. */ exit(0); } else { printf("make a zombie process (pid=%ld)\n", (long)s_pid); for(;;) { /* no waitpid call and forever exit */ sleep(10); } /* waitpid */ }